Speedy Toolbox

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Calculate your CO₂ emissions based on your daily activities like electricity usage, vehicle mileage, and flight hours.

Enter the amount of electricity you use in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month. This can be found on your electricity bill.

Enter the total number of miles you drive in a month. This includes commuting, leisure driving, and other vehicle usage.

Enter the number of flight hours you travel in a month. This includes both domestic and international flights.

How Does the Carbon Footprint Calculation Work?

Your carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions you generate from your daily activities. This includes activities like using electricity, driving vehicles, and flying on airplanes. Below is a breakdown of how your carbon footprint is calculated:

After entering your data, this calculator estimates your total carbon footprint (CO₂ emissions) based on these activities. By understanding and reducing your carbon footprint, you can help reduce your environmental impact and contribute to sustainability.