Speedy Toolbox

Investment Calculator

Estimate your investment growth or calculate required contributions based on your starting amount, return rate, and duration.

Enter the amount you are initially investing.

Specify the duration for the investment (in years or months).

Enter the expected return rate for your investment.

Enter the regular contribution (monthly or annual) to reach the ending balance.

How is the Investment Calculated?

The investment calculator helps you estimate the future value of your investment or the amount you need to contribute regularly to reach a target. It uses the following key variables:

The formula used to calculate the future value (ending balance) of your investment is as follows:

A = P × (1 + r)n + C × [(1 + r)n


- If you're calculating the ending balance, the formula will calculate the future value of the investment based on the starting amount and contributions over time.

- If you're calculating the required contributions to reach a target value, the formula will compute how much you need to contribute regularly to reach your desired goal.

Example: If you invest $5,000 at an annual return rate of 8% for 10 years with no contributions, the calculator will show you how much your investment will grow over time.